How do working time tracking systems work in enterprises?
Any company works with the aim of achieving the highest profit. And it depends primarily…

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The secret to success with the CRM-system, the nuances of the right choice
What will happen in the enterprise if the sales department does not fix its work,…


An exclusive package of services from the Migration Group
Migration Group is a reliable international assistant with a name and reputation for anyone who…

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Why digital out of home advertising is better than television
Outdoor advertising industry offers all new and new effective solutions. A few decades ago, advertising…

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each employee

Own PBX as one of the business tools

In today’s world, with rapidly developing technologies, the speed of information transfer is increasing day by day
Own PBX as one of the business tools
If earlier it was necessary to spend weeks, and even months, on the transfer of information or several days on the delivery of telegrams, then e-mail messages on the Internet seemed to be the limit of technical capabilities. But mobile communication provides communication within a few seconds. And not only by calling someone on a mobile phone, but it has already become possible to connect third parties to the conversation, transfer the conversation to the video call mode by means of the camera and continue communication, getting directly acquainted with the necessary documents in video mode. Continue reading

Is it possible to find money in one day?
The crisis years did not leave many people aside, and in such conditions many Russians…


Warehouse pallet racks: main types
Increasingly, modern warehouses are beginning to use special pallet racks for placing and storing various…


How to make bulk purchases in China with delivery?
As is known, the goods of the Celestial Empire occupy over 70 percent of the…
