Some interesting facts about translations
The translation world is full of jokes and just interesting facts. This time, our translation…

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Making the right choice of barcode scanners for the store
Due to their design, barcode scanners have gained immense popularity, which significantly affected their value.…


Zenitbet bookmaker review
Bookmaker Zenitbet accepts bets on the outcomes of various sports games, as well as other…

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Warehouse pallet racks: main types
Increasingly, modern warehouses are beginning to use special pallet racks for placing and storing various…

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lead role

Registration of FOP and registration of FLP in a notary office

Anyone who is thinking about private enterprise needs to register with the FLP. After that, you can try yourself in the business world, show your best qualities. Registration does not require much time.

From 2016 in Ukraine, this procedure is performed by notaries. They register entrepreneurs without regard to their place of residence. Therefore, if you are registered in the region, and not in the capital, but you want to move to Kiev and open your company there, this can be done without difficulty.

Stages of the procedure
Keep in mind that registering fop implies choosing a certain type of activity. Continue reading

The secret to success with the CRM-system, the nuances of the right choice

What will happen in the enterprise if the sales department does not fix its work, there is no accounting system?
The secret to success with the CRM-system, the nuances of the right choice
True, you get complete ignorance or work by touch without control over the work of employees and the subsequent analysis of the data. More information about all the intricacies of this and other issues can be found at Q & A with bpm’online’s CEO and Katherine Kostereva.

Inclusion in CRM will help: Continue reading

Logistics in Ukraine as a business is becoming very popular. The competition is growing.
Over the past 10 years, the logistics market has been developing successfully and efficiently. And…


Loan to the account
If you ask any parent about what is most important in his life, he will…


Apostille on documents
To put an apostille on the documents, you only need to come to the translation…
