program from different
What is the normal payback period for a business?
Opening their own business everyone hopes for its good payback.
What is the normal payback period for a business?
Thoughtful people try to immediately calculate the costs and expected incomes and calculate the period for which the invested funds will not only return, but also pay off.
The payback period is the time required for the return on investment and he talks about the success of the business.
In order to rationally distribute new production, it is desirable to introduce business ideas for the development of your business. Continue reading
What are the cloud technologies 1C
1C cloud technologies are designed to work on different client devices and with different operating systems
What are the cloud technologies 1C
At the same time, customers may not have any software on their devices at all or may install light client software.
The word cloud is used in this case as a metaphor. Just on computer diagrams on the Internet, a cloud is depicted, behind which there is all kinds of information, as well as various mechanisms and technologies. Continue reading