How to choose an SSL certificate – features and differences
SSL certificate is necessary for everyone, even owners of small business cards sites. This increases the trust of users, improves the position in search results – in a word, it is necessary.
How to choose an SSL certificate – features and differences
SSL certificate is necessary for everyone, even owners of small business cards sites. This increases the trust of users, improves the position in search results – in a word, it is necessary. But the choice depends on the specific features of the project.
What are SSL certificates?
All of them are divided into three groups according to the depth of verification that the CA must perform. The more documents you provide, the more respectable the site looks, and the higher the insurance coverage in case of any problems with the user.
Certificate with domain verification
DV-SSL – a certificate that confirms that the user data is actually sent to your site, and not to a third party. The entire scan takes minutes. Perform a series of simple technical instructions – and the certificate is issued. The advantages are obvious – the speed of receipt, reliability, low price.
As a result, a green padlock appears in the address bar of the site, which indicates that the connection is secure.
owners of small sites;
those who do not collect personal data of users and do not make payments;
owners of business cards and landing pages;
to bloggers.
It is also the only way for individuals. The following levels of protection require you to have a registered company.
Certificate with company verification
OV-SSL will have to wait a little longer – 3-10 business days. You will need to prove the real existence of the company or organization. Mention in the yellow pages, tax documents. From the center of issuance of certificates can call, and someone in the office should take a test call.
As a result, the user will see both the green lock on the address bar of the browser, and the so-called dynamic trust seal. By clicking on it, the site of the certificate authority and a page with confirmation of the company’s verification will open.
those who have a personal user account on the site;
those who collect personal data in other ways – for example, through a feedback form or a subscription to newsletters.
Extended Verification Certificate
EV-SSL or a certificate with a green line is suitable for large organizations, companies collecting payments, including banks. Its release will take up to two weeks. During this time, the center will verify the existence of the company, make a call to the office, consider the documents.
The user of the site on which such a certificate is installed sees a green address bar with the name of the company. Attached and dynamic seal of trust.
The simplest certificate only confirms ownership of the domain. Complicated checks and more expensive statuses also highlight the seriousness of the business.
SSL certificate
How to choose a certificate based on your needs
The simplest and cheapest certificate is always better than none at all. Follow this rule if you have limited funds. If good reputation is important for you when collecting money – it is not worth saving. It is known that in poorly protected online stores, users often drop baskets full, refusing to buy at the last moment.
The best hosting of Ukraine HOSTiQ provides support for beginners when installing certificates. In addition, buying SSL at the same time as hosting will cost more: providers buy large lots with wholesale discounts.
When choosing, pay attention to such moments:
whether you have a big site, how many people visit it;
You have a Latin domain or Cyrillic;
Are there many subdomains?
Business card website
The simplest DV-SSL is suitable for a small site with information about you and your work. If you have one domain, few pages, the address is written in Latin, you can take any certificate from this group. It will be enough to switch to the https protocol, protect the connection and give users a sense of confidence.
Online store or popular blog
The more visitors you have and the more valuable personal information you are given, the more secure a certificate is needed.
A blog with a really large number of subscribers, newsletters, personal data collection will suit OV.
If we are talking about an online store paying for purchases on the spot, then choose EV. This will allow you and your users to feel confident.
Cyrillic domain
It is important here that the certificate you choose supports IDN (International Domain Names). These are domains adapted to the rules of local alphabets, that is, in our case, to Cyrillic. Now it is no longer a problem, and most certification centers provide such an opportunity.
Domain with more subdomains
You need to protect many subdomains – look for a Wildcard certificate. It will be cheaper than buying separate SSL for all subdomains that are not covered by a regular certificate.
If you have both a Cyrillic domain and many subdomains, you need to take both of these circumstances into account. Comodo products, for example, support both options.