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Professions of freelancing. Descriptions of the main directions

We tried to combine all the freelancing in one article, you just have to choose
Professions of freelancing. Descriptions of the main directions
Work with texts
1. Copywriter. A specialist who is able to create advertising texts aimed at the sale of goods and services. He should be able to predispose the word to the reader to the necessary action.

2. SEO Copywriter. Unlike the first paragraph, the work of this character is aimed at creating texts that will help promote the site in Internet search engines. Accordingly, almost all the texts you saw on the Internet are written by SEO copywriters. Including the one you are reading at the moment.

3. Reirter. Requires the ability to retell stories in your own words. Often, this is required to ensure the necessary uniqueness of the text. But, also, rewriters are used to look at the question from the other side. For example, optimize complex, and boring text for a specific reader.

4. Content Manager. The employee who is responsible for the content on a specific resource. His responsibilities include filling the site with texts of the right subject. This profession is very similar to the post of editor in the newspaper. He decides (in consultation with the management) that visitors to the site will read. And the quality and relevance of the filling will depend on it.

5. Corrector. Literary editor. People who follow the literacy and clarity of information. Correct grammatical and stylistic errors.

6. Journalist. Textbook, who places his work in the media. It can be both news articles, and a certain analytics. There is a significant difference between a journalist and a copywriter. If the task of the latter is to praise your product, or to ensure the right reaction, then the journalist should be impartial. And try to cover events in any area as objectively as possible. Ideally, of course. In real life, he will stick to the line of his media. Otherwise, it will not work there for a long time.

7. Blogger. Character who writes on topics of interest to him. A free profession that allows you to write about what’s in your head. Usually, they publish on various blogger platforms, or on their own sites. In addition, blogs often get on their company sites, in order to increase traffic.

8. Translator. Must speak foreign languages ​​and quickly switch between them. In the context of freelancing, most often have to translate texts.

1. Developer web applications. Creates programs and sites for the order. Actually, programmers have done everything you see on the Internet and on your computer. And market saturation will not come soon. It is for this reason that the programmer is one of the most sought-after and highly paid professions in the modern world. Now, few of the employees are able to compete with programmers in terms of earnings.

2. Webmaster. The employee who will ensure the working condition of all that programmers have created. Administration of the site, its support, updating, and everything else. Such a master of all trades and legs.

3. Tester. The team of programmers consists of two categories. Some create programs and websites, others check whether everything works correctly and whether it works at all. He checks the program according to the available algorithms and reveals errors in them. The tester must have basic programming skills, be able to read someone else’s code, and also correctly compile reports.

4. System administrator. The office guru, who must keep computer (hardware and software) facilities in order. But not only in this understanding is taken the word administrator (admin). He can be the admin on the site, or in the forum. Over there, he has almost unlimited power. To the extent that ordinary users are afraid of his anger.

Work with design
1. Designer, in all its manifestations (web, informational, technical, interface, graphic, landscape, interior). Creates the appearance of various things. Depending on the specialization, which is very much. And in brackets not all design directions are named. Naturally, they differ in their requirements for education and skills. One needs a programmer with a developed sense of beauty; the other, on the contrary, needs an artist. Designers are different, but for everyone there is a job on the Internet as a freelancer.

2. Illustrator. The artist who creates pictures, illustrations for various sites, or for print publications.

3. Polygraphist. Creates brochures, various printed items. Up to newspapers, books and magazines.

4. Visualizer. His task is to make a visual appearance. With the help of visualization, you can not only draw the appearance of the building, or the city square, of a new device. But to understand the essence of the processes. For example – visualization of the internal combustion engine.

5. Game Developer. We create characters, locations of various computer games. Naturally, teamwork is needed here. Understanding of its goals. A program skills

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