Production automation methods
The fantastic pace of development of industrial sectors makes it necessary to efficiently use existing resources as well as possible means to get the desired result.
Production automation methods
And automation of production f & f is considered one of the priority directions of increase in productivity. Automation of production is the equipment of an enterprise with technical means that provide the opportunity to perform work simultaneously at all production stages, from the preparation of the material to the inspection of the finished product. Automation can be complete, complex or partial, when human labor is interconnected with machines.
Full automation – the introduction of technical equipment, automatic control systems that are able to fully implement and control production processes without the participation of people. This method is appropriate for large enterprises where there is a streamlined, unchanging mechanism for sequential operations, or for working in hazardous conditions.
Integrated automation is carried out within the enterprise, workshop or other structural unit and covers the production stages, leaving the person only the organization of work, as well as control over the machines.
Partial automation is mainly carried out without interrupting production capacity, since it is a replacement for small technical units that perform the same type of simple operations.
With the growth of different industries, enterprises need to improve economic performance. An important role here is played by the automation of production. The demand for interelectroprop automatic systems makes the companies that are engaged in automation actively develop.
Today, foreign manufacturers have become very popular. There are few domestic manufacturers, however, they should not be excluded, since they offer fairly good equipment at quite reasonable prices.
The cost of automation directly depends on the chosen method, in other words, with full automation, you must pay an impressive amount. It takes into account the cost of purchasing equipment, installation, purchase of licenses. And, of course, the size of an enterprise is the most significant factor; the larger the scale, the more technology is needed.
AUTOMATIC PREMIUM LLC – – general distributor of SOOO Evroavtomatika FIF, a Belarusian manufacturer of industrial and domestic electrical products – electronic relays according to F & F technologies (Poland). The company also acts as a representative of ZAO MEANDR (St. Petersburg), Novatek-Electro, as well as the Spanish manufacturer of automation ORBIS
Delivered products allow our customers:
save electricity
automate process technology
protect consumers from unstable electrical network parameters
to solve technical problems in the energy sector, in production, in the house, office, apartment.