Some interesting facts about translations
The translation world is full of jokes and just interesting facts. This time, our translation…

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New production technologies as opposed to stereotypes
Open Joint Stock Company Belshina has been operating since 1965, and today it is considered…


Loan to the account
If you ask any parent about what is most important in his life, he will…

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Purchase of fertilizers from manufacturers in Ukraine
Fertilizers are the main assistant to the agricultural producer. Without this expendable material it is…

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We solve the issue with the packaging of goods using boxes

Whatever production you have, it always needs cardboard boxes, as packaging material of various shapes, in this environmentally friendly and convenient container.
We solve the issue with the packaging of goods using boxes from
Successfully occupied a niche in the carton-box business, Express Packing. It is here that cardboard boxes of all sizes are always available . Now, when the volume of online commerce in Ukraine only grows every year, the demand for boxes for goods is also growing. For large companies, it is much more profitable to buy in bulk from Express Packaging than to pay for the same boxes at Novaya Pochta or Ukrpochta.
The Express Packing company makes a full cycle of a gofrotara and corrugated packaging. Here produce boxes of all kinds and types and sell them in bulk in all cities of Ukraine. The company catalog contains all types of carton packs. These are both self-assembled and four-valve boxes with a lid, with carving for pens, with complex punching, corrugated cardboard trays, confectionery “screens” and “TVs” made of cardboard.
Production with European standards
It is significant that the production of cardboard boxes is focused on the European standards of the international organization FEFCO. This is a guarantee that EU countries mainly buy products cheaply. And since the requirements of the European Union for the quality of imported products are tough, the carton must necessarily meet international standards.
All types of cardboard boxes are made from the material of their own production. Most of them are made of three-layer corrugated cardboard. This is an ideal raw material in the ratio of price and quality. They are the most popular among Ukrainian businessmen.
Always trendy
In addition, the company also presents quite popular boxes made of micro corrugated cardboard and five-layer corrugated cardboard. Also, there are seven-layer and self-assembly boxes. In-demand cardboard boxes, S-wave corrugated boxes and corrugated boxes, E-wave corrugated cardboard boxes are also in high demand.
Types and types of boxes are very diverse. There are for disks, for documents, for toys, for medicines, cosmetics and perfumery, for loose objects, food and food, for shoes, for vegetables, for dishes … Different sizes for moving, for electrical engineering and electrical appliances, for building materials.
Boxes for any product
Boxes for transporting and storing canned goods, vegetables and fruits are distinguished by increased strength, reinforced bottom and rigidity of vertical walls, since the final weight of canned foods is large enough.
Special designs are available for the transportation of dairy products, lard, meat, butter and vegetable oil, mayonnaise and other food products. You can order all the cardboard boxes necessary for your business in the online store Express Packaging, where you will also be provided with proper transportation.

Registration of FOP and registration of FLP in a notary office
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Own PBX as one of the business tools
In today's world, with rapidly developing technologies, the speed of information transfer is increasing day…


Some interesting facts about translations
The translation world is full of jokes and just interesting facts. This time, our translation…
