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Why digital out of home advertising is better than television

Outdoor advertising industry offers all new and new effective solutions. A few decades ago, advertising digital out of home received a tool such as an LED screen.
Why digital out of home advertising is better than television
At first, it was unusually expensive and only very large companies and corporations could afford it as an advertising structure. With the annual reduction in the cost of technology, it has become more accessible, and is now being used by many medium-sized business owners. However, it is impossible to say that the ice screen has become available. The manufacture of components that can be ordered here is not cheap because it requires precise and expensive equipment, expensive materials and professional specialists for their production. However, LED screens are very popular, as they have several advantages over alternative methods of product promotion.

Why digital out of home advertising is better than television
A commercial on the street or in a store does not prevent a person from watching a program or a movie. The program is not interrupted at the most interesting moment, at the wrong time, palming off the imposed goods. Advertising out of home does not cause negativity, does not interfere in personal space, people passing by the screens decide for themselves whether to look at them or not. In this case, 8-9 people out of ten, according to statistics, looks. Especially if the screen is located in the right place: at the intersection, square, in a shopping center, near public transport and similar places. And if the marketing department competently approaches the creation of an advertising video, with the right concept, interesting plot, beautiful perspectives, then it will not be difficult to capture the attention of a potential consumer.

And the most important moment – outdoor promotion is several times cheaper than television.

Requirements for the roller
Duration should be no more than 20 seconds.
Text messages should be as short, simple and carry only important information.
When using text messages you need to use large fonts.
Mandatory planning of the time and frequency of the video showing, depending on the location, advertising budget and media plan.
Ice screens are very easy to control: using a computer and the Internet. You can configure it to automatically turn on / off, schedule the display of scenes on one or immediately on a network of LED screens, regardless of the distance of their location. Light-emitting diodes make it possible to obtain high image quality, and reliable sealant allows structures to withstand wind, snow, rain and temperatures from -40 to +50 ° C.

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