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When do you need an advertising courier?

Many advertising tasks are successfully solved with the help of an advertising courier.
When do you need an advertising courier?
It is not at all necessary to risk ordering expensive advertising on billboards and in the media when there is a large selection of affordable and affordable advertising tools that can provide a continuous stream of customers. With the help of courier delivery, the marketer has the opportunity to hold the following events:

Distribution of leaflets in the mailboxes of the area of ​​interest or throughout the city;
Hinge henger on the door handles;
Delivery of booklets and flyers in new buildings, cottages, luxury neighborhoods;
Sticking advertising on bulletin boards;
Address delivery of correspondence in offices and business centers.
In some cases, courier services in Kiev can be more effective than any other way of promotion.

Layout of business cards by mailboxes
Given the small format of the advertising business card, addressless distribution by p / i is beneficial to the advertiser. Within a short period of time, all tenants of houses located near the outlet or service enterprise can be informed about a new product, a discount event. The distributor can bypass not only a specific area, but also a street and even specific houses of interest to the advertiser. On a megapolis scale, this technique also works great when it comes to promoting services for installing plastic windows, metal doors, laying a television cable or delivering drinking water.

New building
For many manufacturers, new homes are the ideal target audience. Find new settlers can be very easy – in new buildings, which they begin to settle in the early stages of construction. The advertising courier of the Sonata agency http://sonatagroup.com.ua/ has the ability to hang a henger on the door handles, deliver booklets and leaflets to each new home’s door. With the help of this technique, finishing materials, floor coverings, plumbing, household equipment – plates, air conditioners, heaters, lighting devices are perfectly sold.

Luxury housing
Premium products are pointless to advertise among all in a row. The best solution is to deliver advertising to places of local residence of people with high incomes – in cottages, country houses, elite neighborhoods. The courier is capable of that. There is no problem to bypass the cottage village or the prestigious area behind the house, leaving advertising leaflets in the mailboxes or on special tables near the concierge window.

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