Is sms sending out effective as a tool to promote your business?
We all know that any SMS is read during the first three minutes after receiving…

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Why digital out of home advertising is better than television
Outdoor advertising industry offers all new and new effective solutions. A few decades ago, advertising…


Is sms sending out effective as a tool to promote your business?
We all know that any SMS is read during the first three minutes after receiving…

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Why do we need a customs broker
Any cargo transported in one direction or another across the border, goes through the procedure…

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The secret to success with the CRM-system, the nuances of the right choice

What will happen in the enterprise if the sales department does not fix its work, there is no accounting system?
The secret to success with the CRM-system, the nuances of the right choice
True, you get complete ignorance or work by touch without control over the work of employees and the subsequent analysis of the data. More information about all the intricacies of this and other issues can be found at Q & A with bpm’online’s CEO and Katherine Kostereva.

Inclusion in CRM will help: Continue reading

What is important to remember when ordering a site?
Planning to order a website soon? Be sure to read the recommendations that will help…


New production technologies as opposed to stereotypes
Open Joint Stock Company Belshina has been operating since 1965, and today it is considered…


Some interesting facts about translations
The translation world is full of jokes and just interesting facts. This time, our translation…
