Loan to the account
If you ask any parent about what is most important in his life, he will…

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Graphic examination of handwriting and signature
The graphological examination of handwriting and signature is a sought-after type of examination, the main…


Professions of freelancing. Descriptions of the main directions
We tried to combine all the freelancing in one article, you just have to choose…

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Production automation methods
The fantastic pace of development of industrial sectors makes it necessary to efficiently use existing…

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size of the shelves

Warehouse pallet racks: main types

Increasingly, modern warehouses are beginning to use special pallet racks for placing and storing various products.
Warehouse pallet racks: main types
After all, they are most convenient for storing any goods, regardless of their size and weight. And with the help of special equipment, any cargo can be lifted, lowered or moved quickly and easily. Pallet racks are of several types, which we will talk about.

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How to make bulk purchases in China with delivery?
As is known, the goods of the Celestial Empire occupy over 70 percent of the…


New production technologies as opposed to stereotypes
Open Joint Stock Company Belshina has been operating since 1965, and today it is considered…


With modern printing houses, advertising agencies of your city are no longer relevant.
To succeed in any business, you need to advertise it well. And the better the…
