Production automation methods
The fantastic pace of development of industrial sectors makes it necessary to efficiently use existing…

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Quality brand prints as a way to promote a business
Marketing and advertising are the main components of a strategy for business promotion. They undoubtedly…


How to make bulk purchases in China with delivery?
As is known, the goods of the Celestial Empire occupy over 70 percent of the…

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Mutually beneficial cooperation
If you own a company that manufactures products, then you should take care of purchasing…

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starting point

Graphic examination of handwriting and signature

The graphological examination of handwriting and signature is a sought-after type of examination, the main purpose of which is to identify the author of handwritten text and signature.
Graphic examination of handwriting and signature
The graphological examination of handwriting and signature is a sought-after type of examination, the main purpose of which is to identify the author of handwritten text and signature. Highly qualified specialists work in this area, the main area of ​​knowledge of which is handwriting, incl. judicial handwriting. (Handwriting is a separate chapter of criminology, which studies writing and motor skills). Handwriting examination is appointed in the investigation of criminal cases, civil, administrative and pr.processes. Continue reading

Special equipment is easier to rent than to maintain
Powerful high-performance equipment today confidently entered the modern high-tech construction Special equipment is easier to…


Making the right choice of barcode scanners for the store
Due to their design, barcode scanners have gained immense popularity, which significantly affected their value.…


Special equipment is easier to rent than to maintain
Powerful high-performance equipment today confidently entered the modern high-tech construction Special equipment is easier to…
